Day Trip to Garden Of the Gods With Kids

A Colorado Springs Gem

No trip from Southern Colorado up to the Denver area would be complete without a stop at Garden of the Gods. This spot had long been on our list, so we made sure to work it into our itinerary for our Summer 2021 Road Trip. After driving 5 hours from Pagosa Springs, we arrived in Colorado Springs to spend the night at the Golden Eagle Campground. We enjoyed our night at this campground, and especially the short hiking trail from our spot that led to a gorgeous overlook over Colorado Springs. 

We woke up early the next morning to make the 20-minute drive to Garden of the Gods, knowing that crowds over 4th of July weekend would be at maximum, and hoping to get any early start. We arrived, and found a spot in overflow parking near the Visitor Center. After a quick discussion with a ranger at the Visitor Center, we opted to drive a bit further into the parking lot to the Main Parking, where we scored one of the few RV spots there. I had a bit of an altercation with a woman in a minivan who claimed that her vehicle was “oversize,” and Justin was still able to maneuver into our spot like a boss, despite the minivan blockage. Some people.

We set out for the morning on the Palmer Trail, accessible from the Main Parking area. We LOVED this trail for the gorgeous views of the Central Garden area of the park from up above, a truly beautiful vantage point.

The views from the trail were BREATHTAKING!

The kids also especially enjoyed the opportunities for bouldering and rock climbing.

We took the Palmer Trail a little over 2 miles to see the Siamese Twins, a conjoined rock formation near the end of the park.

Grace, at the “Siamese Twins,” with Pike’s Peak in the background.

OUR twins in front of the “Siamese Twins.”

From the Siamese Twins, we hiked back about three-quarters of a mile on the Palmer Trail before taking the side trail into the interior of the Central Garden, so we could see the rock formations up close. This, too, was a gorgeous vantage point, though there were SO many people here (note also that the trail through the Central Garden is paved, so great for strollers or small children).  

Before departing the park, we made a final stop at “Balanced Rock,” an amazing formation.

Our family found the scenery at Garden of the Gods breathtaking. We were all so glad that we included this stop on our itinerary this summer!

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