Exploring Seattle, Washington With Your Family

Seattle Adventures With Kids

Following our venture to North Cascades National Park during our Summer 2019 Road Trip, we traveled a few hours to Renton, Washington, located near Seattle,  where we were reunited with some of our family that we had also spent time with earlier in the summer in Montana.  

Boy, do the Gagnons LOVE Seattle!

Upon our arrival, the kids were thrilled to play together again, and we hit the road to the pool to squeeze in some swim time before dinner.

The next morning, we woke up and headed into Downtown Seattle.  Grace, Justin, and I had all been to Seattle before, but it was the boys’ first time visiting this incredible city.

Our family started our day off at the “Gum Wall.” The boys were disgusted.


Our next destination was Pike’s Market, and we all had fun checking out all the goodies there. Quinn thought that the fish market smelled horrible, and walked around plugging his nose.

We also saw the first-ever Starbucks.

After that, we walked from Pike’s Market to the Seattle Center, where we met up with some of our family, and enjoyed playing at the amazing park there. It was a great view of the Space Needle, and a gorgeous, sunny afternoon

From the Seattle Center, it was really convenient to ride the Monorail back to our car at Pike’s Market. We decided to buy a whole salmon to grill for dinner that night, and the kids had fun watching the guys throwing the fish!


Our time in Seattle was filled with such wonderful family memories, and we would highly recommend this stop for anyone with children looking for a fun, family-friendly destination!

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