Sun Valley and Ketchum, Idaho

Family fun in Idaho

Up until a few years ago, no one in our family had ever visited the state of Idaho. However, during our Summer 2019 Road Trip, following our visit to Jackson, Wyoming, and Grand Teton National Park, we had planned to enjoy some good time in Idaho as a family. Specifically, our journey took us to Ketchum and Sun Valley, Idaho. We all just fell in love with this magical destination, and can easily see why it is a favorite spot for so many.

On our first day in Sun Valley, highlights included spending the day with our dear friends from the Bay Area, who vacation regularly at their family home in Ketchum. We spent the day with them, hiking from Galena Lodge up into the hills, and enjoyed walking their dog, building “bridges” over the river with logs, picnicking in the forest, and playing with walkie-talkies along the trail. I REVELED in having the long-awaited opportunity to talk with my dear friend along the way, a lifeline for sure on our long journey. 

Friends make everything MORE FUN.

After our hike, the kids played in the RV, and we enjoyed an early dinner in Ketchum at the Pioneer Saloon. What fun we had, and we left quite the carnage afterward. The kids loved the taxidermy and western decor of the restaurant, and the Idaho baked potatoes as big as our heads were out of this world! Do not miss a meal at the Pioneer Saloon during your next visit to Sun Valley!

Day 2 highlights included spending the day with more family friends who had recently moved to Boise, and came to meet us in Ketchum for the day. We all had a wonderful time together, swimming, picnicking on the river, riding water slides, and rock climbing. In the late afternoon, we spent some time with our other friends, who living Ketchum. From our RV park, we rode bikes to their house, and LOVED seeing their gorgeous home, playing in the backyard, and catching up. The kids had a blast playing ladder ball, ping pong, and wrestling their sweet dog, D’jambe. We also learned how to play the game “Fishbowl,” which they taught us after dinner. We are so grateful to them for their hospitality and fun

We just loved Ketchum and Sun Valley, and found both to be extremely family-friendly destinations for any travelers!

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